It seems like it was yesterday when your kids approached you, their parent, with any question and would listen to you with open ears. But today, they have a personal opinion for everything, leaving you both feeling glad that your kid is growing but also sad that it happened so fast. They also leave you pondering about whether you had enough time to teach them everything and wondering if they’re ready to face adult life.
We at Bright Side are sure that it’s never too late to give good advice. But there are things that should be discussed with kids in their teenage years, and we tried to collect such recommendations in this article.
Be able to admit your mistakes.
Everyone can make a mistake — whether it be in their studies, at work, and even in their personal life. Trust us, if you say that you made a mistake, many people will want to help you correct it. But if you keep insisting that you’re right, you’ll only worsen the situation.
Don’t let others make choices for you.
It’s normal to make your own mistakes, make conclusions, and learn from them; but it hurts when you have to pay for other people’s decisions. Even if the choice doesn’t lead to a mess, how will you know what would have happened if you had done everything your own way?
Learn to say no.
It’s normal to say no if something doesn’t fit in your plans or makes you feel uncomfortable. If you try to be convenient for everyone, it won’t make you a good person, but rather, it can turn you into an unhappy one.
Don’t drive yourself into stereotypes.
Don’t refuse the things that you like only because someone claims that girls or boys shouldn’t behave this way. Ancient Vikings would knit socks and it didn’t prevent them from being brutal guys. At the time, when the fight for women’s rights has just started, Lady Ada Lovelace, the daughter of the poet, George G. Byron, became the first programmer in the world.
Don’t feel shy to ask for help.
We all feel helpless and vulnerable from time to time. There are tasks that one person can’t do but that can easily be completed with someone’s help. Learn to ask for help and support — at least not to let the ones who are counting on you down.
Be truly brave.
Much more courage is required not to do silly things together with someone, but to refuse to do it in public in front of each other.
Don’t rush to call someone your friend.
There are many acquaintances, former neighbors, and classmates in our lives. But not all people you get along with are your friends. Friendship is tested by time.
Don’t feel shy about regular things.
Telling a doctor about your well-being, including intimate details, is not normal but necessary, as is choosing medicine for acne at the drugstore, shopping for tampons, or anything else that you might feel embarrassed about. It’s shameful to do mean things to other people, while buying a laxative is not.
Don’t refuse knowledge.
Don’t ask, “How am I going to use this subject in life?” No one can foresee the future. Simply keep in mind that the more you know, the more likely you’ll be able to cope with unexpected situations down the line.
Always prioritize your family.
If your friends don’t understand it, or if they play jokes on you about it, it means you have different values in life, and it’s worth reconsidering whether you are really that close.
Learn what being cool really means.
It’s not expensive clothes that make you cool, nor is it your muscles or your ability to withstand pain. In fact, it’s all in your brain. It’s this notion that will help you avoid a fight, let you shape your personal opinions, and teach you not to react to silly jokes.
Learn to do housework by yourself.
First of all, an adult shouldn’t depend on others for their everyday needs. Secondly, one day you’ll share these chores with your partner. After all, you don’t want to be embarrassed for not being able to do simple things, right?
Don’t start a relationship if you’re not ready for one.
Don’t start dating someone just because you’re single. People aren’t corks to plug holes, and women and men aren’t awards in some game. Communicate, go on dates, and be friends, and you’ll surely find someone who will become really close to you.
Don’t brag about things you’ll feel ashamed of later.
Never leave comments or post photos that you will feel uncomfortable about in front of your parents — not because your mom will get upset, but because nothing disappears completely in the digital world. It will sting when, after many years, you won’t get the job of your dreams because of something you posted as a teen.
If you feel that your relationship is not going well, be honest enough to inform your partner about it.
Don’t skirt around the topic, don’t hide, and don’t hope that your partner will understand everything themselves. Don’t make anyone suffer and guess what is going on and why. Sit next to them and talk. It’s mean to lie to a person with whom you used to be close — it’s unfair to hide from them and to think of a way to avoid having an unpleasant conversation.
Your work shouldn’t necessarily be prestigious if you like it.
If you become a specialist in a field that you like, both money and respect will be gained too.
Learn to handle money, manage your budget, and save.
They say happiness can’t be bought for money, and it’s true. But money can provide you and those around you with stability and comfort. Financial insecurity is forgivable for kids and elder people but not for adults.
Remember that you’re responsible for what the world around you will be like.
Saying, “I don’t get paid for this,” is not an excuse when it comes to things surrounding you. You don’t need to be a janitor to pick up an empty bottle lying near your home or be an electrician to change the light bulb above the staircase. Our life consists of small deals, not global feats.
In your opinion, which of these wise words for teens is most valuable?
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