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5 Secret Ways to Make Money Fast (Passive Income Streams You Haven’t Thought Of)

In this post I want to talk about secret ways to make money fast that you probably haven’t heard of! Lately, I’ve been coming across a lot of random yet intriguing passive income streams. I guess I’m all about finding and experimenting with new and quirky side hustles. The ones I encountered were new to me and actually aren’t online businesses, but they seem feasible enough to try. It made me realize that I’m a specific type of person who’s all about alternate ways of doing things.

I had this worry before that I should niche down with my passive income / digital nomad themed website that’s all about “designing your life”. I thought I was too widespread with my interests and what I talk about. But I realize there is probably a niche of people like me who are intrigued with new income streams as well and want to try everything. I want to report some of my findings today, for those who get where I’m coming from! Enjoy this post on 5 secret ways to make money fast – passive income streams you probably haven’t thought of.

5 Secret Ways to Make Money Fast (Passive Income Streams You Haven’t Thought Of)

1. ATM Machines

I never thought about where ATM machines came from and had this idea that they came from banks or corporations where you can’t really have access to them. But it seems like you can actually make decent passive income through owning ATM machines.

In order to make money through ATM machines, you charge a commission fee for taking money out. When people make a withdrawal, they have to pay a bit extra in order to get that money out, and you would be able to pocket that commission! It’s all about where you place your ATM machine as you want yours to be situated where people may be using them the most. Think places that are high traffic and have stores and restaurants that are cash only.

2. Vending Machines

Vending machines are another passive income stream, though I would say this route is not as passive as other ones I’m mentioning on this list. I don’t know if this is something I would pursue as there is still a decent amount of work of going through your route of vending machines, restocking inventory, and collecting payments. The reason why it’s more active work than, say an arcade machine, is that snacks and sodas have expiration dates and can quickly run out of stock. However I still think it’s feasible. If you scaled up your business, you can always automate and hire out someone to collect and restock for you. It’s still an interesting side business that would be cool to try out.

3. Crane Games

Crane games are ones kids play at arcades to try and catch their favorite toy. You’ve probably seen them around. They’re a game of chance, and people may end up putting in a lot of money just to try and win a toy that costs $1-5 at most. I find this passive income stream very interesting, because first of all…I LOVE crane games LOL. I also find this channel quite passive with low startup costs. The combination of fun, low expenses, and passive appeals to me.

crane game passive income

4. Laundromats

I heard about the idea of making passive income through laundromats while I was at Pat Flynn’s Course Creation Workshop. One of the students owned a laundromat with her husband because they wanted a passive income business. Turns out it cashflows a lot better than rental properties! They just have a manager deal with the day-to-day operations so that they can essentially automate everything.

laundromat passive income

5. Building and Renting Out Tiny Houses / ADUs

I’ve always been fascinated by tiny homes and think they’re absolutely gorgeous. Alternative lifestyles just intrigue me a lot. I think building tiny houses would be a great way to get me towards my goal of owning homes around the world. However, there are still permits and regulations as well as water and electricity to think about to understand if it’s even legal to build. If you can figure out the way to get tiny homes built, you can make a lot of money Airbnbing them out!

tiny house passive income


There are tons of passive income streams that you may not have thought of. It just takes a bit of creativity to think of and attempt alternate routes of making money. And the more income channels you build, the safer you’ll be financially, and the quicker you’ll be at reaching your financial freedom goals. I find passive income streams so exciting to think about as it’s making money work for you instead of the other way around. When you open your mind a bit more you’ll realize there are SO many ways of making money that don’t require a full-time 9 to 5 job. There’s ways to live out your dreams if you truly put your mind to it.

Hope you enjoyed these secret ways of making money fast. Are these some passive income streams you’ve thought of, or haven’t? Let me know in the comments below!

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