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 It’s not easy to go cold turkey and remove all of the mess in your home. Everyone has their own idea and position on this situation when it comes to doing house chores: some dedicate 1 day a week for this activity, while others do it on an everyday basis, bit by bit. But then there is a third group that finds it hard to start doing anything at all and keeps postponing housework week after week.

We at Bright Side are well aware of this type of situation, and that’s why we were so impressed with the photos that the characters of today’s compilation provided us with. They put forth a huge effort to make their homes warm, cozy nests again.

“It took me hours, and I cried when I was done.”

“I cleaned my way out of my depression nest so I could start the new year on a better (and cleaner) note.”

This room has become unrecognizable.

“Turns out living alone is more difficult than I thought, but I’m finally catching up with the mess.”

“Doing the dishes is a task for tomorrow at this point.”

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